

Friends of Allowah – Ramy from Piling Experts

Dollar-matching ON NOW!

There’s nothing more encouraging than seeing people with a heart and a passion to help, in whatever way they can. Our friends at  Piling Experts have said that they will dollar-match every donation up to $100,000! 
It’s their way of asking you to join them in making a BIG difference for the kids and young people at Allowah!  This company is a family-owned business with two best friends at the helm, Ramy and Hany, based in Auburn. They are specialist piling contractors, who are channeling their profits from the construction industry to support our work for kids.

Donate by Sunday 23rd June to double your impact and have your gift matched by these champions at Piling Experts! GIVE NOW: allowah.org.au/give24.


Help us reach the $50,000 matching amount and make the most of this generous offer!

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